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Sponsorship Levels

Online Sponsorship and credit card payment available by clicking  this link  (fees apply) or download the sponsorship form below. 

Signature Level: $5000

Most Prominent sponsor display at event (provided by sponsor)

Most prominent and large logo on race banner

Most prominent and large logo on all race t-shirts

Logo and link on website

Logo on mile marker sign

Logo displayed at water station

Logo on event marketing poster

Social media mentions

Company name on thank you signs at finish line

Twitter mentions before and during race

Promotional materials in race packet (provided by sponsor)

Sponsorship recognition during announcements

6 Complimentary race entries

6 race t-shirts

Stage Level: $500

Sponsor display at event (provided by sponsor)

Large size logo on race banner

Medium size logo on race t-shirt

Logo and link on website

Logo on mile marker signs during race

Logo on event marketing poster

Social media mentions

Company name on thank you sign at finish line

Promotional materials in race packet (provided by sponsor)

Sponsorship recognition during announcements

2 complimentary race entries

2 race t-shirts

Diploma Level: $1000

Prominent sponsor display at event (provided by sponsor)

Most prominent and large logo on race banner

Most prominent and large logo on all race t-shirts

Logo and link on website

Logo on mile marker sign

Logo displayed at water station

Logo on event marketing poster

Social media mentions

Company name on thank you signs at finish line

Twitter mentions before and during race

Promotional materials in race packet (provided by sponsor)

Sponsorship recognition during announcements

4 Complimentary race entries

4 race t-shirts

Cap and Gown Level: $250

Small size logo on race t-shirt

Name and link on website

Name on event marketing poster

Promotional materials in race packet (provided by sponsor)

Social media mentions

Company name on thank you sign at finish line

Tassel Level: $100

Name on race t-shirt

Promotional materials in race packet

(provided by sponsor)

Company name on thank you sign at finish line

Social media mention


Other Items: Sponsors are welcome to donate additional “race bag” items (coupons, fun marketing items, etc). Donations Welcome!   


Advertising and logo deadline: May 1st

Send one-color logo to Matt Houser with "Race Logo" in subject heading.


©2016 HAMPTON CITY SCHOOLS All rights reserved - One Franklin Street, Hampton Virginia 23669 - 757-727-2000

Notice of Non-Discrimination

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